Dear Scholars of Finance Supporter,
First and foremost, thank you in advance for your generosity!
Your donation will contribute towards strengthening our current programs, developing and launching new initiatives, and improving the support and experience we provide to students. You are making a direct impact on our students and helping make our vision a reality. We are grateful for your contribution and will make you proud of this investment – we’re going to work hard to maximize our impact with your capital.
Below is information on how you can donate to Scholars of Finance via check:
Please make your check payable to:
Scholars of Finance
You can mail your check to the following address:
Scholars of Finance
PO Box 511631
Los Angeles, CA 90051-8186
Additionally, please include your email address with your check so that we are able to provide you with a tax receipt.
If there is other information you need, please let us know! We would be happy to send that right over to you.
The Scholars of Finance Team